Before you go back to where you might have left it, be sure you didn’t just leave it in the car.
Category: Uncategorized (Page 77 of 181)
It’s easier to believe it’s possible when you see people like you doing what you want to do.
It’s not an efficient way to get recruits, but it is impressive!
What they’re really saying is they don’t believe in you.
I need wrap up in less than an hour even if I have to check the time on my phone.
I-196 North is a tough stretch at 4 a.m. after 750 miles and a Packer game.
This so embodies who he is…and who I want to be.
When you believe you can, other people can tell.
What’s wrong may not be very complicated.
He loves doing really physical labor…and using a chainsaw.
In everything we’re going through and everything we will go through, he is with us.
We can all come up with the reason we’re the victim.
Everyone is sure they know what it is…and that it’s not for them.
Pay attention to where you need to be next (but wrap up what your doing gracefully regardless).
If you’re going to preach more listening, you should do more listening.
She reminds me that what I’m doing matters to at least one.
The numbers needed for success shouldn’t be a problem…but so far they are.
He knows what’s on the other side of our doubts and fears and has a plan to guide us there if we open ourselves to him.
If you bring lights in from outside where it’s 15 degrees, let them warm up before you start messing with them.
I can’t get too up or too down.