Even though it was a bit awkward, the end of a long day was not the time to discuss my deal.
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I need to remember they need me more than I need them in case they continue to believe the opposite.
Buying a car in one day started with his brother caring enough to see it for sale.
Secular demands lead us to anxiety, but the season calls us to REJOICE!
Dinner and movie can work just as well at home if no one else is around.
Work socks and workout socks shouldn’t be the same, at least not on the same day.
When you get first-hand experience with them, people that you heard were “bad” can suddenly become “good.”
…And fair isn’t equal. Because you have to earn or pay for something that others already have (even if they didn’t have to earn or pay for it), doesn’t mean it’s unjust.
Leading with what you need is not nearly as compelling as what you contribute.
You have to rise and say a few words when your in charge and it’s your event.
Just like in sales, I need to persist with my message, but respect that he might not be ready to hear it…yet.
Hearing the names of the powerful we’ll meet again at Holy Week reminds us that the story doesn’t end with the birth.
Cutting a path through half an inch of ice for 200 feet to retrieve the raft makes for a good workout and a good story.
He will overcome our sin if, like Mary, we turn our lives over to him.
It might make sense to pare things down to a lean team of the right people rather than diffuse all our energy trying to bring everyone along.
We need to take Him out in the world and accept the cost and consequences.
Bring extra mints to the networking event in case someone needs it…badly.
Loud, sacastic, and rude are not what I want to model when I’m frustrated and stressed.
You don’t do it because there’s peer pressure; you do it because you need practice being uncomfortable.
It looked like an honest mistake but there were plenty of other sketchy signals.