Get the dessert that makes the Mouse’s eyes light up.
Month: April 2016 (Page 1 of 2)
I just flat dropped the ball and need to make it right.
He’s much more coachable when his big brother encourages and supports him.
We can be hungry and cold by ourselves, but we only feel poor in comparison to others.
We knew to love each other, now we need to love as He loves.
Making a full meal and dessert from scratch impresses the guest…and my wife!
Prefacing your opinions with “I believe…” leaves space for the other person to move toward you.
Celebrate how well some are doing and have faith that the others will get there, too.
We are marked with an invisible, but indelible sign that we are His followers.
If we want to know peace, it’s our job to hear and obey.
I can just do my best and and learn from the results without judging myself.
They want to hear something that pumps them up.
To thrive we need to be clear what we’re working toward, what we’re fighting for, and who we’re going to become.
His customer service training makes him even more aware of times I don’t validate his feelings before I respond.
Picking almost randomly pays off much better than giving it intense thought.