Getting frustrated with yourself (or others) doesn’t get you there any sooner.
Month: September 2015 (Page 1 of 2)
If you can make choices that put you in a place you don’t like (and certainly you can!), then you can make different choices to put yourself in a place you do like.
It feels good to be asked to play…and even better to do well. #AllTimeQB
God calls us to relationship with each other and Him, not with our devices.
It took me all summer to finally get out with him but he was still thrilled to be my guide.
There might be times it’s a good idea, but this wasn’t one of them.
Rehashing what might happen doesn’t change the fact that you can’t control what other people may or may not do.
Beginning with half an hour about your company is not a compelling presentation.
Encouraging a friend that he can do more than he thinks is also a reminder to me.
You have live with the priorities you set with your team even when it shuffles you to the back.
The great man is the one who serves all others – especially his wife and children.
Measuring over and over doesn’t change the dimensions of the room.
Getting over 100 guys in a church at 6 am shows we want to be authentic, godly men, but we’re not sure how.
Just ask a good friend for a favor directly and skip the thinly-disguised gambit of asking “So how can I help you?”
You can’t remember things unless you write them down.
- You don’t need to change your behavior for me.
- Change it to achieve your goals.
- I’m just here to help.
Even when you’re very unhappy with someone, stand and shake hands when they walk into the room.
Jesus promises to be with us through our suffering, not to take it away.
Before you tear apart your saw, check the chain break.
You’re on the right track as a leader when your team shares the messy stuff going on in their personal lives.