It might have been gluten-free but the massive sugar content was not helpful.
Month: August 2015 (Page 1 of 2)
We need to let the Word penetrate our hearts so our rituals have meaning.
Training should be so valuable that people want to attend, even around your own kitchen table.
Sitting there with nothing to say is not okay.
It’s still obvious that you’re blaming everyone else even though you say “we”.
Without authorities in your life, it’s easy to go off the rails and tell yourself it’s ok.
When you think sales is about telling rather than asking, anything short of an opportunity to present what you do sounds like a waste of time.
Listen when your little voice says, “don’t say that”.
When you’re confused about your marriage, your work, or your life, don’t try to to control everything or run away.
15 hours of sleep and then “doing nothing” is doing something.
It’s all good now, but next time will tell if I’ve learned humility.
Great wealth is evidence that you served a great number of people and should be praised, not jealously criticized.
I need to schedule more meetings with cheerleaders.
Planning for a successful future, however improbably, aligns me with them in the short term and positions me better in the long term.
Before an event, check the camera resolution.
Continue to lead by example and wait for God to bring them back.
Having him wanting to plan things to do together is super encouraging.
Apparently our relationship isn’t ready for meaningful conversations (even though this wasn’t all that meaningful).
Apparently you can just decide to be friends.
He knows his stuff and is a very patient teacher, so there may be something here for him.