I’m hiding from my “big thing” by doing a lot of small things.
Month: November 2012 (Page 1 of 2)
It’s stunning how quickly the Mouse sees patterns. There’s a life skill in there somewhere.
Fast response time is impressive…and imperative.
Having expenses and hours up-to-date makes invoicing easier but still a chore.
Listen closely to what they don’t say.
You go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.
Playing board games is great family time, especially when I keep my focus on fun rather than winning.
Winning all your games eventually ends the debate (but doesn’t silence the critics).
The only thing worse than staying in a hotel is kind of staying in a hotel.
Springsteen said the key is to make the spontaneous look rehearsed and the rehearsed look spontaneous.
Finding a Goodwill Store on the fly out of town impresses the crowd.
You can wait to get your coffee and just keep the empty cup at your table to show your a customer, but you risk looking like you’re trying to get free refills when you do finally go up.
ALWAYS preview your report with the key stakeholders before your formal delivery.
When you can get them alone, in a small group, or home for a rare visit, take advantage and be present in the moment.
Be methodical in gathering the quantitative information so it’s faster to compile later (and complete).
Midway through a site visit, get off-site, or at least alone, to compare what you have to what you want while there’s still time to bridge the gaps.
Check which conversation is open before you send a text asking to get picked up from the airport and go on a date.
It’s hard to sound smart with a Southern accent.
If possible, travel to the client the night before so you start with a full day, you’re not tired at 3 because you’ve been up since 4, and you actually get some sleep because you’re not waking up every hour afraid you’re going to miss your 5:50am flight.
If you’re not intentional with your life, you might end up living the same year 4 times instead of living 4 years (with growth and progress).
75° and sunny is pretty sweet for mid-November. #globalwarmingrules