Apologize when you make a mistake. When you make a bad choice, change your behavior.
Month: July 2012 (Page 1 of 2)
A successful life is different than success.
Cheerfulness is a choice and you can’t change the past.
Set the wine on the car floor so when you get home and open the door it doesn’t roll off the seat and smash on the garage floor.
I am a puppy.
When you see someone you know at a nearby table, walk over to say hi, and introduce your guest.
Some sacrifice can – and should – be made at every meal.
Happiness in life is directly related to self-discipline. No surprise that the world teaches the opposite. Or that the root is “disciple” – one who follows.
Being more prepared and intentional will make my networking more effective.
If the fire hydrant seems too close, then you probably should park behind the single meter, not in front of it.
I am strangely excited to build a cash flow model.
Our unique physiology and body chemistry is hard to understand and sometimes seems impossible to manage.
A solid day of rain is very welcome in a summer of drought.
Having my own cards was worth paying for.
When things don’t seem to add up, they might not add up.
Elite athletes are separated from each other by what’s between their ears much more than their physical skills.
Time apart seems to help everyone get along when they’re together.
I need to go fishing.
At least three of them do a LOT better when it’s quiet.
Apparently the migraines are not over.