Poison ivy (or whatever this is) on my face is NOT cool.
Month: May 2011 (Page 1 of 2)
Sad saying goodbye to parents you may not see again.
Stay off the wall and have enough fuel to get through Turn 4 and across the finish line.
Saying sorry and making reparation (in this case, replacing what was damaged) helps heal and strengthen relationships.
Employers don’t follow “The Golden Rule” with their employees because they’re afraid that if they give, there won’t be enough left for them.
There’s nothing like a 12-hour car trip and two meals together to start to build trust and a better relationship.
Call ahead when you’re running late.
I need to get organized to do my job well, find my new job, and be the dad and husband I want to be.
When a job isn’t going away, you need to push through it, make the best of it, and move on.
Couple hours one-on-one golfing…priceless. Remember to do that again…soon!
Sure enough: “Husbands love your wives, women, respect your husbands.” Ephesians 5:33
Old cars are expensive in their own way.
Going slower I actually timed the lights better and never stopped on Lake Michigan Drive. Cool!
When I’m not accomplishing anything I feel bad, which makes me not want to do anything, which makes me feel bad…
Maybe “I don’t trust you” really means I’m afraid of what will happen if you find out what I do all day.
It goes better if you keep the negative to yourself and put on a smile. Not perfect, but better.
I wasn’t feeling up for saying some things but he was here and had the time so I said “Lord, if it’s what You want…” and I guess it was because it went pretty well.
Setting a personal record (PR) is VERY motivating!
Looking forward to a fun race with the kids and friends. #riverbank
It’s sweet when craigslist has what I want and it’s right on my way to work!